Friday, January 1, 2010

Pirate Ship Terminology Diagram

Articles cafes Psychomot

BERTIN C. " Reflections on an experience of co-therapy, articulation between" I "and" We " " , in Psychomotor Therapy and Research No. 156, pp 58-71.
A. BROWN , "From sensation to emotion", In Mediation & Therapy Psycho Baby, Dunod Paris, pp158-168
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D. LATOUR , "Movement and Fluidity of the TPM framework" in Perspective psychiatric 13/III 1988 pp.183-187
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PONTOON G. , "Communicate, psychomotor and end of life", In Therapy Psychomotor Search & No. 116, PP56-60
Riou J. , "About a psychomotor test" in Psychomotor Therapy Unit No. 142 and Suffering
RIVIERE J. , "The evaluation of psychomotor care: psychomotor therapy based on evidence versus relational psycho," Annales Medico-Psychological, 2010, 168, 114-119.


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