Saturday, September 19, 2009

Letter To Daughter Confirmation

Booklet ELP Home Savings Plan booklet

The savings account (PEL) is a savings account in order to finance future real estate purchase, giving access to the owner of a popular savings passbook loan rates more favorable than the average .
The minimum pay to the opening of a housing savings plan is 225 euro and a monthly payment of 45 euro minimum.

The remuneration of housing savings account is an average of 2.5% and is increased by 1% of the state in case of making a home loan.
one point of view of taxation, housing savings scheme have been long fiscalization but are now taxed in the same way as other books.
Interest is usually calculated per fortnight.
Only certain authorized financial institutions such as banks and savings banks are allowed to market the ELP.
The maximum housing savings account is 61,200 euro.
Attention withdrawal leads to the cancellation of housing savings scheme.
The main interest of this book is the reduced rate in case of acquisition of property by borrowing


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